Friday 6 October 2017

Nails and Health

Manicure has gained much popularity these days, rating high in cosmetic value. Long and shaped nails have evolved as an element of defining feminine beauty.
From a medical perspective, nail examination is an integral part of physical examination of a person. There are different signs on nails which reflect the underlying disease conditions.So,
  • What do your nails indicate about your health?
    • Mis-shaped, spoon shaped nails denote Anemia.
    • Pitting nails is a sign of skin disease, especially psoriasis, eczema, etc.
    • Thickened nails can be seen in fungal infections
    • Splitting nails indicate hypothyroidism
    • Yellow nails are caused by chronic use of nail polish
    • Blue nails indicate liver disease and respiratory disorder
    • Transverse lines on nail are a cause of malnutrition
    • Brittle nails are due to vitamin deficiency and inadequate nail care
Thus, nurturing the nail is an important part of personal care. In case any of the above issues persists, consult a doctor and get the disease cured.

How to take care of nails naturally?
Nail grows from the nail bed, which is just beneath the skin and it takes nearly 8-9 months for the nail to grow to complete length. Both diet and nail care methods play a vital role in developing healthy nails. Few tips include:
Healthy diet:
  •  A diet rich in calcium, protein, iron, gelatin and Vitamin B complex are pivotal in the growth of   nails. Lean meat, eggs, beans etc. are rich in proteins.
  • Vitamin C rich food like citrus fruits and Vitamin D helps to cure split nails.
  • Experts do not discard the role of biotin, Vitamin H in maintaining healthy nails, hair and skin.
    • Tomatoes is considered as a wonder vegetable in this scenario as it is rich in Vitamin A, C and biotin.
    • Whole grains, nuts, legumes etc. are rich in biotin aiding in nail growth.
  • Drink adequate water to prevent dehydration and drying of nails.
Home Remedies:
  • Apple cider vinegar has shown some benefits to improve nail strength. Dipping the nails twice a week have delivered profound benefits in strengthening of the nails.
  • Olive Oil: Massage the nail bed with olive oil twice a week, helps to keep the nail bed healthy and promotes the growth of healthy nails.
Rubbing the nails with skin of lemon or orange creates a bleaching effect and makes the nails shine and glow.
Moisturize your nail bed with aloe vera gel or pulp of papaya to reduce the brittleness of the nails.
Some other tips for nail care:
  •  Try to avoid harsh polish
  •  Buff your nails instead of coloring
  • In traditional medical sciences, nails, teeth and hair growth are linked. Hence, it has been concluded that there is a genetic tendency in each individual influencing the nail growth and nail type.
  • With adequate dietary support, medicaments and treatments from alternative medicine root cause of the health concerns can be treated.
At Syncremedies, meet with 3 doctors from Allopathy, Ayurveda & Homoepathy TOGETHER to offer the most effective solution to your concern.
Modern medicine can facilitate in immediate control of the symptom and traditional medicine can aid in treating the concern from its root in the long run.
Each consult lasts a duration of 40 minutes with a treatment plan that encapsulates Diet, Exercise, Therapy and medication essential to control and treat your health concern.
You can meet the doctors online through a video consult at the convenience of your home or visit a clinic near you.

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