Tuesday 3 October 2017

11 kitchen ingredients for good health!

About 100 yrs ago there was no doctor patient tradition. All the medicines were available at one shot in grandma’s kitchen. Though grandma’s medicines weren’t palatable, it was always effective with no side effects known. Today lets recall few kitchen ingredients for good health from our grandma’s kitchen which we have forgotten in our modern life, and try to utilize them to a extend.
Here’s a list of kitchen ingredients for concerns ranging from Diabetes to Ulcers, Skin care to hair care among-st others.
Fenugreek seeds (Methi seeds)
Fenugreek seeds are rich with iron and calcium and have zero cholesterol.
  • Health benefits of Fenugreek seeds:
    • Helps keep a check on Diabetes
    • Plays a role in improving iron deficiency and calcium deficiency
    • Eases dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation)
  • Home Remedies with Fenugreek seeds:
    • Soak about 20-30 fenugreek seeds over night, consume it in the morning on empty stomach, to keep a check on diabetics.
    • During painful menstruation consume half tea spoon of fenu greek seeds with normal water.
    • Soak a measure of fenugreek seeds for about 6-8 hrs, grind the seeds into paste, to a pan add a spoon of ghee, fry the paste. Make small balls out of the paste and consume one per day. This can be stored for 15-20 days when refrigerated. This keeps a check on iron and calcium deficiency.
Coriander is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C and has detoxification quality. The whole plant is edible in some form or the other.
  • Health benefits of Coriander:
    • Decreases, increased levels of uric acid and lead.
    • Simple detox in case of food poison.
  • Home Remedies with Coriander:
    • To 200ml of water, add 5-8stems of chopped coriander, blend it using a blender and add lemon juice to it. Consume once in day to keep a check on increased levels of uric acid, lead and as a simple detox solution.
Curry leaves
Curry leaves are one of the not so favourite ingredient in kitchen but is immensely rich in nutritional value, loaded with vitamins and calcium.
  • Health benefits of Curry Leaves:
    • Proven beneficial in managing hypertension
    • Delays and controls greying of hair
    • Improves eyesight
    • Lowers cholesterol
  • Home Remedies with Curry Leaves:
    • Dry fry curry leaves in a pan, powder and store it in an air tight container. Make it a point to include this powder with you meal once in a day, everyday. Can be consumed with curd also. This keeps hypertension, greying of hair, eyesight issues, increased cholesterol at bay.
    • Boil pure coconut oil with curry leaves and use it to avoid greying of hair.
Turmeric is a boom to mankind, it has various uses. One should include turmeric in all the dishes on daily basis. According to research, daily usage of turmeric keeps cancerous effects at bay.
  • Health benefits of Turmeric:
    • Heals internal injuries
    • Acts best for those with common cold
    • Builds immunity
    • Corrects pimple infections
    • Helps in de-tan
    • and keeps a check on diabetes
  • Home Remedies with Turmeric
    • To hot milk add 1/4th tea spoon of turmeric powder and consume, for speedy healing of internal injuries, common cold, dry cough and to build immunity.
    • Consume a pinch of turmeric and honey with hot water everyday, to keep a check on diabetes.
    • Mix turmeric with honey and srub on your face to treat pimple infection and for de-tanning.
Cumin Seeds (Jeera)
Cumin seeds are aromatic spices which not only adds flavor to the food, but also has numerous health benefits
  • Health benefits of Cumin Seeds
    • increases digestive power and keeps a check on constipation
    • beneficial in treating pimples
  • Home Remedies with Cumin Seeds
    • To 200ml of water add 20-30 cumin seeds. Boil it well. Filter and consume half the quantity in the morning and half at night, 30 min before food, to improve digestive power, treat tastelessness and keep a check on constipation.
    • Dry fry cumin seeds in a pan, grind to powder, store this powder in an air tight container. Consume this powder everyday in a meal, preferably with first morsel of the meal.
    • For clear skin, dry fry cumin seeds in a pan, grind to powder and store. After your normal face wash, to a sufficient quantity of cumin powder add a pinch of turmeric powder and scrub on the face to remove tan, pimples and dust particles due to pollution.
Ajwain Seeds (Oomam)
Ajwain, despite its size cannot be ignored in terms of flavour, strong aroma and its health benefits.
  • Health Benefits of Ajwain: is a boon in cases where indigestion is of concern, it also keeps flatulence and constipation at bay.
  • Home Remedies with Ajwain
    • To 200ml of water add 10-15 Ajwain seeds, boil it well. Filter and consume half the quantity in the morning and half in the night 30min before food, to improve digestive power, treat tastelessness and a keep check on constipation.
    • Add Ajwain seeds when you prepare chapatti/roti dough, it not only will add taste but also takes care of constipation
Black Pepper
Black pepper is very low with cholesterol and a spice which is a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin K.
  • Health Benefits of Pepper: Pepper is very useful in case of dry cough.
  • Home Remedies with Pepper
    • Grind few black pepper seeds into powder. Store it in air tight container. To 1/4th tea spoon of grounded powder add 1-2 drops of honey mix well and consume for dry cough.
    • Just chew 2-3 seeds of black pepper in case of dry cough.
Moong Dal
Moong dal which is a good source of protein is one of the best dietary fiber which is rich iron.
  • Health Benefits of Moong Dal:
    • Moong dal always has a coolant effect on the stomach, because it is very light for digestion and small quantity fills the stomach.
    • A very good ingredient for patient suffering from ulcers, stomach pain, flatulence.
  • Home Remedies with Moong Dal:
    • Soak a measure of moong dal for 4-5hrs, cook it with same water, to this add salt, coriander and consume in the form of soup in case of stomach pain, ulcers and flatulence.
    • To a measure of moong dal add water and soak for 4-5hrs, drain water, grind the dal to paste. To a pan add ghee, fry dry grapes, then add the paste and fry well. Add one measure of water and cook well, consume in case of ulcers.
Pure Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the best oil among the oils, which is good source of HDL, which are essential fatty acids. Usage of virgin coconut oil will keep cholesterol at normal levels.
  • Health Benefits of Coconut Oil: Coconut oil has various fields of usage, starting will managing black shiny hair, treating skin disorder, burns, moisturize, de-tan, cracks and ulcers.
  • Home Remedies with Coconut Oil
    • For shiny hair, boil pure coconut oil with curry leaves and neem leaves. Apply this oil and massage well.
    • In case of any burns apply coconut oil on the affected
    • In case of oral ulcer or peptic ulcers (ulcers in stomach) apply pure coconut oil and consume pure coconut oil respectively for faster healing
Cinnamon, an Indian spice which is good source of calcium, iron, dietary fiber, is also a drug of choice when it comes to couple of health concerns.
  • Health Benefits of Cinnamon: Researchers have seen good results with cardiac patients and patients suffering from high cholesterol.
  • Home Remedies with Cinnamon:
    • To 200ml of hot water add 2 tea spoons of honey and a pinch of cinnamon powder. This will keep your heart healthy and reduce cholesterol when consumed twice a day.
    • To 50ml of hot water add small pinch of cinnamon powder. This will keep diabetes at bay when taken everyday.
Honey Comb
Honey comb is lesser known ingredient, which has very good effects on health.
  • Health Benefits of Honey Comb: Helps heal dry skin, dry lips, burns and cracks.
  • Home Remedies with Honey Comb: Purchase 200gm of honey comb, easily available in markets. Heat a thick bottom vessel, place the honey comb into it, in 2-3min the comb will start melting like butter. Once it’s fully done, add a pinch of turmeric, 25ml pure coconut oil and stir well. Switch off the gas and cool the content before shifting it into an air tight container. This preparation is a very good moisturiser for skin and lips specially during winter. Very good results have been seen for crack feet too.
All these home remedies are definitely helpful. However, However, sometimes there is a medication intervention essential based on the severity of the condition and associated health concerns which are the reason for disease or disorder.
At Syncremedies, meet with 3 doctors from Allopathy, Ayurveda & Homoepathy TOGETHER to offer the most effective solution to your concern.
Modern medicine can facilitate in immediate control of the symptom and traditional medicine can aid in treating the concern from its root in the long run.
Each consult lasts a duration of 40 minutes with a treatment plan that encapsulates Diet, Exercise, Therapy and medication essential to control and treat your health concern.
You can meet the doctors online through a video consult at the convenience of your home or visit a clinic near you.
Author: Dr. Jyothsna

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